发布日期:2025-01-21 06:31 点击次数:76
As the camera rolls,
Chengdu becomes even more vibrant in the eyes of foreign expats.
Now, let’s watch the fifthvideo
from the 2024 Short Video Contest for Foreign Expats
伸开剩余77%三等奖Third Prize
My Connection with Poetry
“东说念主之为学有难易乎?学之,则难者亦易矣;不学,则易者亦难矣。”恰是由于深受《为学》这首诗的影响,肥硕(OROU FERI GADO)踏上了沉修业之路,从贝宁来到成王人,开动他的汉语学习之路。
“The pursuit of learning is indeed difficult. When one learns, even the difficult becomes easy; when one does not learn, even the easy becomes difficult.” Deeply influenced by this poem titled“To Learn”, Orou Feri Gado embarked on a journey of a thousand miles to seek knowledge, coming all the way from Benin to Chengdu to learn Chinese.
诗圣杜甫的“晓看红湿处,花重锦官城”中的“锦官城”,你们知说念是哪儿吗?博学的你们一定猜到了,便是成王人。杜甫 在这里写下了传唱千年的绝句“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一溜白鹭上苍天。窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船。”
“In the morning, looking at the place where the red is wet; the flowers are heavy in Jinguancheng.” Do you know where Jinguancheng is in this famous poem of the great poet Du Fu? You, with your broad knowledge, must have guessed it. It is Chengdu. Also in Chengdu, Du Fu wrote the timeless verses that have been recited for a thousand years: “Two yellow orioles sing among the green willows; a row of white egrets ascend into the blue sky; from my window, I see the snow on the Xiling mountains that has lasted for thousands of years; from my door, I see the boats of Dongwu anchored from miles away.”
When you read these beautiful lines足球投注app, do you, just like Orou Feri Gado, want to take a walk on the streets of Chengdu?
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